Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Need Suggestions

I survived my day in the hospital. It wasn't that bad. The anesthesia was the worst part, it made me pretty sick/loopy for the remainder of the day. Now we wait for the bill. UGH! That tiny IUD is ending up to be a very expensive mistake. Now that it is gone, I am looking forward to being hormone free.



I had a pretty relaxing weekend. I can't say the same for Taylor. He was amazing and took care of the kids. Valentines day wasn't the complete bust that I thought it would be. We decided that since I wasn't really feeling well enough to go anywhere that we would have friends come over to our house to hang out. We had heart shaped pizza for dinner and cupcakes for dessert. The kids loved it, and that is what matters, right?

Nothing else is going on. Kids are back in school after a long 4 day weekend. I have been arranging lots of play dates for Cody. He gets really bored with just Eli and I to play with. I think he is ready for preschool...seems strange that he is that old already. I gotta start researching one for him and then swallow the fact that we will probably spend close to $150.00 a month for it. OUCH!

Eli has discovered how to climb onto my kitchen table....or any other table for that matter. About 10 times a day I walk into the kitchen and find him dancing on top of it. It is really cute but very dangerous! How do I prevent him from doing this?

That's about it for us! Here are some random pics I found on my camera this morning and a video of Eli doing what he does best!

Natalie started gymnastics a few weeks ago so we all decided to practice our skills as well. The kids were in awe when they saw Taylor and I doing cartwheels.


Lea said...

Oh Stephanie! Get better quickly. As for the little man...he is a little Monkey just like Marcus was. Only Marcus didn't grow out of the phase, he just developed a great stability on his feet (lol) and fortunately we didn't need to make any trips to the ER. I hope that you can have the same luck. :)

niki said...

I am so glad you posted I was getting ready to comment on your last one to ask how you are...Nate made a comment about you may need a hystorectomy sooo I have been waiting to make sure it went successful!!! Dang Nate he just knows too much! :-)

CDR said...

Okay- well I am offically never going to get an IUD, EVER! I am sorry that you had to go through that. At least you looked great going into surgery! Feel Better soon.

Brad and Lisa said...

I'm sorry you had to go through all that junk at the hospital. But the good news is that even though you were feeling like crap, you still looked totally cute and gorgeous as always! I hope you're feeling better.

The Covington Family said...

i cant believe Eli climbing like that!! what a crazy baby but a super cute video! i am not looking forward to that "dancing on the table" stage! :)

laura said...

Crazy Eli! I don't think there are any tricks. Hopefully he grows out of it, or just starts climbing on top of roofs like Cooper!

Cindy said...

So how did I not know that this was happening? Didn't I see you the next day!? I'm so glad things went well!!

Kelly said...

he's so cute. I know you said you don't want to move all 8 of your chairs, but I think that's the only way to keep him off the table! Until he gets even smarter, that is. :)
I'm so sad you had such a fiasco with your IUD. I loved mine. But, it looks like you're the "special" case! I always knew you were special...