Thursday, February 5, 2009

It's Just Not Fair!!

January 29th-February 2nd

We went to AZ this last weekend. It was kind of a last minute trip. Taylor's mother has been struggling with her health and we needed to go be with her. Taylor had a Young Men's campout on Friday which meant he couldn't leave until Saturday but I was not wanting to wait until then so I took the kids out of school early on Thursday and started the drive to AZ. Thankfully the drive went smoothly.
Here is some background on Taylor's mom's condition. Cathy (Tay's mom) was diagnosed with colon cancer 12 years ago. Her health has been up and down since then. Over the past few years her cancer has spread to other organs in her body and has caused many other complications. She has under gone many rounds of chemotherapy and surgeries. She has defeated death many times. There is no medical explanation of why she is still alive. We all feel extremely grateful that she is still with us on this earth. We know it is an absolute miracle! Cathy and I have always had a close relationship. I have been comfortable around her ever since Taylor and I started dating. I love her for so many reasons but especially for the love she shows my kids. Lately, I have been living in a state of denial in regards to her health. As her strength is slowly deteriorating it is becoming more real that she may not be around forever.

Our family gathered together to go to the temple with Cathy. We also participated in a 24 hour fast on her behalf. It was such an amazing experience and we are so grateful that we were able to be with the family during this time. We all hope and pray that she will be granted with yet another miracle and she will live a long and healthy life.

I got to hang out with my sister, Marlene, her daughter Reagan and my neice Amber on Friday. We took the kids to the park since it was a beautiful 75 degrees outside. I guess my kids are not used to such warm temperatures because they were pink cheeked and sweating within about 5 minutes of being outside! So, I let them run through the sprinklers! They had so much fun! I was HORRIBLE about taking pictures this weekend but here are a few from our fun day at the park.

Since we were in town we got to go to my friend's daughter's baptism. Cooper was so happy to be a part of such a special day. He can't wait for his own baptism. I still can't believe I almost have an 8 year old!!

It was a short visit with our families but well worth the drive. It was great to see everyone! We appreciated the opportunity to be a part of such a spiritual weekend. The experiences we had will be remembered forever!


The Covington Family said...

i am so glad that you were able to be here with the Haughts! and we loved seeing you guys. reagan misses her little friends!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like your mother-in-law is lucky to have you. that's so sad about her health but it's great that she's surrounded by so many loved ones. I hope everything works out.

Karen and Family said...

I wish I would have had more time to visit with all of you. I'm so glad Amber was able to! We will continue to pray for Cathy. Hope to see you soon! love ya

Jen Kesler said...

Steph! I'm sorry to hear about your MIL's conditon and I hope that things will improve. I think it's great that you have such a close relationship with her. I have a great one with my MIL as well. So often you hear the opposite...that most women can't stand their MIL's! It's really kind of sad! I have so much to learn from the women in my life. They've "been there and done that" and can help me through a lot of things!!!

Have a great day!