February 10thToday is definitely one of those days that I want to grab a good book and cuddle up in bed. I have no motivation to do anything! There are about 5 loads of laundry that needs folded and put away, a sticky kitchen floor that needs mopped and 2 children that are thirsty for some attention from their mom. I attribute my current attitude to the weather. It is dark, cloudy, and miserably cold! Now that I am done blaming the weather....here are a few things happening in the Haught's house this week.
I was headed out of the house on Friday morning to a doctor's appt...(I will get into that story a bit later) when Natalie comes running out to the car with a bloody mouth. I gasped and screamed, "What happened to you?" Come to find out she lost her tooth. Well, actually Taylor pulled it out. He has a way of manipulating the kids into believing that he is the "best" man for the job. He literally has to sell himself to them in order for them to open their mouths. It is quite funny. He managed to get her tooth out with not one tear shed. What a stud Natalie is! I am grateful that Taylor tackles this parenting duty because everyone knows I would be on the ground passed out from the blood.
In other news, I have been loving having Cody and Eli home with me during the day. I get to spend good quality time with Cody and it has really helped his behavior. He goes the majority of the day now without any major fits or tantrums. I wish I could say the same about Eli. He has perfected the art of fit-throwing! Who would have thought that at 16 months old he would already know how to get what he wants.
Natalie and Cooper are really enjoying school right now. Cooper still fights doing his homework but it is so much better than last year. Natalie's homework is sent home on Monday and it is supposed to last all week. Well she gets it all done on Monday afternoon. She must get that from me! Ha ha.
Reader's Discretion is AdvisedI went in a couple weeks ago for my yearly pap smear. I know, fun times! I had an IUD put in after I had Eli so they wanted to check that too. Well after a few minutes of the doctor trying to find the strings she couldn't find them so she advised me to come back in a couple weeks have one of the other doctors check. I went in this last Friday for a normal IUD check and this doctor couldn't find the strings either. She blamed it on my last doctor, he probably cut the strings too short. She asked if she could do a "slightly painful" procedure to try to locate the IUD. I agreed, I wanted to make sure it was still there. After what seemed like an eternity of her "digging" around I was in too much pain to continue. She still hadn't located it. She started to look concerned. She sent me down the hall to radiology where they did an ultrasound. The tech located my IUD but unfortunately it is not where it is supposed to be. It is higher up in my uterus and could have potentially perforated it. She said that it needs to come out and the only way to do it is by a surgical procedure. By this time I was in tears, 1. because I was in pain from the doc trying to retrieve it, and 2. I was scared that my uterus could be damaged, and 3. Who has time for surgery? That was so not in my schedule for this week! The whole appt was difficult for me and I was really wishing I had Taylor there with me. I went in for something simple and I walked out feeling like I was a "special case". You know when you hear the statistic 1 in a 1,000 woman with have this side effect...I was that 1 woman. I cramped and felt pretty crappy for the remainder of the weekend. I am feeling fine now but my nerves are getting the best of me. I know it is not a major surgery but still kind of scary not knowing the damage the IUD may have caused.

So, needless to say I am scheduled on Friday for this procedure and I am not looking forward to it. I will be quite woozy and out of it all day Friday and possibly in pain and cramping on Saturday.