I am finally getting around to blogging. We have been out of town and then the day we got back Cody started running a fever and has been sick ever since. I started running a fever yesterday and have the worst head cold I have ever had in my life. I can give birth with no pain meds and I can't handle this sickness. I am miserable. Taylor left today to go bear hunting and won't be back until Sunday. Poor, poor, pitiful me! Now that I have the complaining out of the way......I figured I should get a little posting done right now while the kids are quiet. I probably should be folding laundry, washing dishes, planning meals for the next few days or cleaning bathrooms, but those can wait.
AZ TRIPI drove the kids to AZ last week so that we could get one last vacation in before school starts and we are stuck at home for the next 10 months. My Grandma Marge also flew in to visit. I had not seen her for over 2 years so it was really nice to chat it up with her and let the kids get to know her again. My grandma and Cody got along so well. She is so sweet with little kids so it is no wander that he really loved spending time with her.

Marlene (my sister) and I did a lot of fun activities with the kids. We went to a Diamondbacks game one of the nights. My mom volunteered to watch the 2 babies (Reagan and Eli) so that Marlene, Ben and I could enjoy the game with just the older kids. Cooper was so intense about watching the game. I am so glad the he is a sport's fan. The stadium has this place where kids can bat and a guy pitches balls to them. That was their favorite part of the game.

We also took them to a place called Bounce U. That was a blast too. We of course did a lot of swimming as well. Cooper and Natalie did great. They are pretty confident in the water. Cody on the other hand needs a constant companion. The first day we went swimming he had no fear and so would just jump straight into the water....and sink! I had to save him several times. We got back to my mom's after the first day and he told my mom, "I kept drowning". The second day we went he was a little more cautious. It helped a lot to have my mom there to catch him if he did go under! Considering my kids don't get to swim very often here in Albuquerque I think they did a great job! I have to admit though it was stinkin hot. Even swimming did not cool us off very much. I seriously don't know how anyone can live there. Ok, I know, I lived there for 20 years of my life but I NEVER remember it being that hot. Now that I know what cooler air feels like I really don't think I could live in AZ again anytime soon!! I thoroughly enjoy going outside at 7:00pm and not melting from the intense heat.

Taylor flew in Friday night to spend the weekend with us. Cooper and Natalie had spent the night at Grandma Cathy's house. They went to Ami's birthday party the next morning. So it was just Taylor, Eli, Cody and I. It was nice to spend one on one time with Cody! He needs that kind of attention. We got up Saturday morning and went swimming with him and then headed off for Bass Pro Shop. Cody had never been in there before so he was amazed at all the animals.

Tylie, Natalie, and Ami at birthday party.

We had a great visit with everyone and I felt like I got to do everything I wanted to do and did not feel rushed! Thanks Marlene for letting us stay with you! It was so fun to play with baby Reagan! I better start getting these kids ready to start school.