Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Taylor!

I found these pics and they immediately made me laugh! Who has changed the most over the years, Taylor or me?

Yesterday we celebrated Taylor's 27th birthday! I turned 27 a couple of months ago and Tay just loves to rub it in my face that I am soooo old, well honey, it is your turn. Now we both are only 3 years away from being 30!!! AAHHH!!! At least we are going down together!

Unfortunately, Taylor had to work on his birthday, really not fair, but I guess that is real life. When he got home from work, the kids and I greeted him with the Happy Birthday song and presents. Later that night I took him out just the two of us. It was great to eat a warm meal together and not have to scream over the children's voices just to ask how eachother's days went. We really need to get out on dates more often. I don't tell you enough that you are the best husband ever and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I love you!


Kelly said...

HOLY CRAP - I remember all those pics (exceptthe Bondurant one) and yet I am now shocked at how different he looks. If he didn't take so many vacations I'd say he needs more because, man, he changes fast! He was definitely a little more hip hop style back in the day! I love the spiked hair. :) And of course you are pretty much timeless. I didn't realize you and Taylor were that close in age.

Sunflower-6 said...

The answer to your question would definetly have to be TAYLOR!! We hope you had a very Happy Birthday Taylor. You guys are still soooo young! But just so you know, 30 is not all that bad!

Haught Fudge said...

I vote Cooper. He went from a cute blob to a human with limbs. Happy Birthday Tay- tay!

Jess & Jessica said...

That is so cool that you found these pictures! You guys are such a cute couple. That is fun to look back on these pictures and to remember when you first fell in love. :)

Rennie said...

I just have to's not fair that you still look the same after giving birth to 4 children! You obviously come from a great gene pool!

Steve and Sarah said...

The Boundurant Pic is the best! It looks like a picture from the 60's. Did they have color back then? Anyway very old school. Happy birthday, by the way 30 is not that bad!

CDR said...

Happy Birthday! Those are great pictures.

Cody N. Weagant said...

whoops, I missed Taylor's birthday -- Happy Birthday Taylor

Frances said...

You look exactly the same, so I'll have to say Taylor has changed the most, and Copper looks a little different now.