Friday, September 19, 2008

Porter Jackson Haught

Taylor woke me Sunday September 7th, to news that Blue and Kelly (Taylor's brother and wife) had their baby. Kelly had gone in to the hospital Saturday night because she was having contractions. Taylor followed by saying that the baby didn't make it. Porter Jackson had passed away a day or so before Kelly went into labor. My heart immediately sunk. I wanted to get in the car and rush to Arizona to give Kelly a big hug. We left for AZ on Tuesday to be with Blue and Kelly and to support them in any way we could. I can't even imagine the pain/sorrow they have enured this past week.
Jackson will be missed! He has made an impression on so many lives. I know that our family can see him again and I look forward to that blessed reunion. This experience has made me realize that giving birth and having a healthy baby is not as easy as we expect. Life is precious and we need to be grateful for every day that we have been given.

"The Lord takes many away even in infancy, that they may escape the envy of man and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely, to live on this earth. Therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil and we shall have them again. The only difference between the old and the young dying is, one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory than the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable world." -Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Preceeds the Miracle. p. 103


I am The Blindman and this is my mission said...

not much I can say, but how sad I feel for them. Send them my love even though they don't know me. we are going to get together some day!

Rachael said...

I love that quote! So perfect! We miss you guys! I want to transfer school or something so we can be closer!

Rennie said...

Thank you for sharing that thought by President Kimball. Our hearts have been drawn out in prayer for everyone.

Kelly said...

Thanks for your blog. It makes me cry even to remember that night, his little face, the days following... I miss him so much, but that quote is a great perspective to think of. I will try to take comfort in it.

Ashleigh and Zebb said...

I can't even imagine...I just went to a funeral this last saturday, my friends mom gave birth at 29weeks and the baby only lived 12hours. And I had another friend who's little girl drown at the age of 2...It is definitly a hard thing to go through but we'll definitly be keeping them in our prayers.

CDR said...

I heard about your family's sad news. We have been thinking of you guys and your family. That is a beautiful quote, I have never heard it before, thankyou for sharing.