I have been wanting to take the kids to a pumpkin patch but have debated whether or not is was worth the long drive. A few weeks ago the kids and I noticed a cute little pumpkin patch right down the street from where we live. YAY!
Last Saturday we took the kids to pick out their pumpkins. We scored big time because they had all sorts of fun activities for the kids to do and it was all FREE! I love FREE!
Natalie and Eli loved playing in the HUGE bucket of corn.

Cody and Natalie got to ride a horse too. Cody thought it was so awesome. He kept saying things to the guy walking the horse and every time I looked over at them the guy was cracking up laughing. They were far away from me so I could not hear what Cody was saying but I can only imagine!!
I have no pics of Cooper riding the horse because he said he was too cool to ride the horse and he "didn't want to wear a stupid helmet". Silly kid! He has such an attitude sometimes, I swear he is already entering his teenage years.