Friday, January 4, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas day was started at 4:00am when Taylor rolled over to me and asked me a question. The conversation went something like this.....
Taylor: Did you get all the presents?
Steph: Yes, I think so.
Taylor: What about the one on the top of our closet shelf?
Steph: Oh, crap!! I forgot that one.
Taylor: Ha ha ha ha ha
Steph: (mumbling under her breath as she exits the bedroom) Dang it, Stupid presents....stupid Christmas!!
I am not much of a morning person, Christmas or not!! I was so mad that I had to get out of my nice warm bed. Ok, enough jusification of my reaction.
I returned a few minutes later to Taylor snoring. "Oh nice, rub it in my face!!" I fell back asleep and again Taylor wakes me up around 6:00am.
Taylor: Steph, can I get the kids up now?
Steph: Don't you dare, let them sleep as long as they can.
Taylor: Oh, come on, I am so excited to see them open their presents.
Steph: If you wake them I will rip your arms off!!
I held Taylor off about another hour and then the kids came in and woke us.
I eventually got over my bad attitude about being woken up early. The kids were so excited I couldn't help but share in the happiness.
Later that morning I found a pile of presents under the bed in the guest bedroom. Oops, Santa must have forgotten to put them under the tree. I called the kids in and we had another round of gift opening!!

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