After many hours of laboring in the kitchen making Christmas goodies....I got a call from a friend inviting us to go Christmas caroling with them. It is really embarassing to say but I have never been caroling before, or if I have I don't remember it. I jumped all over the idea of taking the kids! I really wanted for my kids to experience bringing happiness and holiday spirit into people's homes. We had 5 families all together. It was such a fun night even though it was snowing and a freezing 30 degrees outside. We caroled and then went back to my friend's house for cookies and hot chocolate.
Wednesday December 24th
On Christmas Eve we got up early and headed off to Sandia Peak to do some sledding. I love that we only have to drive 40 minutes and we are in the mountains. We had never taken the kids up to the snow before. They loved it and hated it at the same time. It was frustrating for Cody and Eli to walk in it. We had a HUGE snow the night before so the snow was like powder. The kids kept sinking in it. After about an hour, Eli and Cody were starting to get cold and uncomfortable. We made them hold out for a while longer because the other kids were having such a good time. Cooper and his friends could have stayed forever! We had such a good time I think we will make sledding a Christmas Eve tradition. I am so glad that we live somewhere that we can count on snow every winter!
Taylor and Cody heading up the hill

Harrison and Cooper

Some of the Thomas family. Doug, Haley, and Harrison

After our sledding adventure we went out to lunch and then headed home to relax. We had a great evening with our children. We read Luke 2 and talked about the true meaning of Christmas. I love watching my children learn about Christ. They always shock me with their knowledge of the gospel.
We put the kids down to bed and Santa got to work wrapping presents. At about 12:30am Taylor and I finally made it to bed.
Thursday December 25th
At 6:30am I woke up and I couldn't stand the excitement! I wanted to rip my kids out of bed but we decided to let them sleep as long as possible. An hour later we hear Cooper and Cody wake up. We made them wake up Natalie and then we all went down the stairs together. The kids faces were so precious as they turned the corner and saw the Christmas tree. We had a wonderful time opening presents, at one point I thought Cody would explode from the anticipation.
Natalie's roller skates

Cooper roller blades

Cody new bike!

Yes, that is right, Taylor bought me a Dyson vacuum! Ha ha! He wanted to make sure that I knew it was not my Christmas present so he gave it to me a few days before. I guess he didn't want to be "that husband" that bought his wife a vacuum for Christmas! I LOVE HIM! Good job Taylor, you escaped the Dog House this time......

So my "real" Christmas present is a day at a luxury spa up in Santa Fe. It is called Ten Thousand Waves. Is Taylor kidding me? How did he come up with this gift? I feel so lucky to have a husband that would want me to get away from life and enjoy a day at a spa! I am not even going to know what to do with myself afterwards. I am soooooo excited! Taylor talked one of our friends into getting the same thing for his wife so I get to go with my friend!! YAY!
Taylor and his meat smoker! He has a lot of deer and elk meat to cook!
Every Christmas season I find myself thinking about the past year. I try to look back on things I have done that I may or may not have liked and things that I may need to change for the upcoming year. I feel that I need much improvement, but I have to say that after reflecting for the past couple of weeks I also can't help but feel extremely grateful for my life. I really feel like the Lord is aware of me and my family and knows what we need. Taylor and I feel so blessed. We are grateful for wonderful friends that are such great examples to us. We are grateful for the gospel and the relationship we have with our Saviour. I love this time of year and I look forward to what the upcoming year has in store for us.