With the onset of colder weather I guess I need to be prepared for flu season. I just had no idea that it was going to come into our home with such force. I started getting sick about 2 weeks ago and it has taken until yesterday for me to start feeling normal again. I ended up getting a sinus infection along with an ear infection. Probably the worst pain I have ever felt in my life! I now have sympathy for my children when they get ear infections, which is close to never, but anyways I now know how they feel. The antibiotics have kicked in and I am on the mend. Cody has been on and off sick for seriously a month now. I finally took him into the doctor. The first time I took him in was last Thursday. I did not see my normal doc it was the nurse practitioner. She told me it was just a cold and just to treat the symptoms, there was nothing she could do for him. Not even a day later his symptoms got a lot worse and he was complaining A LOT. On Sunday afternoon his ear drum burst and he had fluid coming from his right ear. I took him in to my normal doc on Monday. Cody had a fever of 104.2 and was very lethargic. They rushed us straight back. They doped him up with Tylenol and the doctor confirmed that his ear drum had burst and started him on antibiotic and ear drops. If the stupid nurse would have checked him more thoroughly on Thursday my sweet boy would not have had to go through all of this! Anyways, he is on the mend now and I am grateful for that. Nobody else in the family has been stricken with this illness yet so keep your fingers crossed for us. I want us all to be well for Christmas!!
On a funner note, Eli has started the fit-throwing phase of his life. I think it is hilarious! I actually busted out the camera and started taking pics of him on the floor kicking his legs. I know it seems mean that we took pictures but I wanted to document his fit so that I can show him when he gets older. I have learned to ignore the fit and eventually he will stop. I hate that he knows how to throw fits but I am grateful that he is so persistent about what he wants. I guess I should expect very stubborn children....they have Taylor and I to blame for this attribute!!

Our new addition, Oliver, is doing wonderful. He is a huge cuddler and very patient. The kids love him to death. When he is done playing (or being picked on) he will just find a place to hide out for a while. He has never scratched or bitten any of the kids....knock on wood!! We love him a lot. Even Taylor has taken a liking to Oliver!!
That is about all the news from us for now. I need to finish Christmas shopping and get all my goodies made so I can deliver them to friends. I feel really behind this year since I have been sick. I have a lot of work to do to catch up!
I am so sorry. I didn't know Cody was so sick. I am glad you are feeling better!
Sorry you guys are sick.
Poor Eli....Was that fit over a cheerio? Does he get mad when you laugh at him?
My kids would get madder when you laughed at them!
That is the saddest thing I have every seen. He needs his Grandma!!!
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