Parents to be. Marlene and Ben
Karen and Eli

My siblings. Marlene, Karen, Glen, Tracy and me

Eli with Marlene

Uncle Glen and Eli

Aunt Karen, Amber and Eli

My mom and I


Last weekend Eli and I flew to AZ for my sister's baby shower. I can't even tell you how nice it was to only have 1 child with me even though he is the one that requires the most attention. I really appreciate Taylor playing Mr. Mom and allowing me to go support my family.
The trip started off a little rough. First of all since when did Southwest not allow moms with children to board the airplane first? We had to wait until after line A was called. So as you can imagine I did not get a very good seat. Luckily I found a Grandma so I knew she would be patient. About 2 seconds after we boarded Eli decides to EXPLODE in his diaper. It was one of those explosions that don't even land in the diaper but all over his back and legs instead. Unfortunately, we were about to take off so I could not change him right away. He had to sit in it for about 10 minutes and I had to hold him away from me so that I did not get "mustard poop" all over my clothes. When we leveled off I laid him on the seat next to me and gave him a good wipe down and changed his clothes.
When I arrived in Phoenix, Cathy (Taylor's mom) and I met up for lunch. Eli was an angel the whole time. Then I went back to my mom's house to help prepare for the shower. My mom came to the realization that when us sisters are together NOTHING gets accomplished. We are too busy laughing and playing around and can't stay focused.
The baby shower was so cute. I am so anxious for Marlene to have sweet little Reagan. I can't wait to meet her. Her and Ben will be such great parents!!
The flight home was more of a disaster than the flight there. Eli screamed bloody murder for the first ten minutes (which felt like eternity). I could sense everyones eyes on me. All the business men were about to push me out the window! The stuartist even came over to me and asked if I needed water for a bottle. Little does she know he does not drink bottles. I attempted to nurse him, of course that did not work, so I just held him tight and let him scream. The woman next to me asked if she could hold him and let him look out the window. I sighed in relief and gladly handed him over to her. He immediately stopped crying and fell asleep. I was so happy when the plane hit the pavement. FREEDOM!
All in all I had a great trip and lots of memories with my family. Thanks Tay!!