When I got news that they were being admitted to the hospital and would be there for a few days I immediately booked a flight and left Friday afternoon to help. I have been in the hospital before with a baby and I just couldn't imagine Marlene trying to care for twins all by herself.
After running some tests and experimenting with different formula, the boys are now on a strict diet of just formula, rice cereal and very bland crackers. They can't have any baby food, table food, or dairy. The docs are hoping that this will help with the boys' discomforts and help them want to start eating again.
I really enjoyed my time with Marlene and her boys. I especially enjoyed the snuggle time! They are so sweet! I am also so grateful to have Taylor be so supportive. He was very willing to watch our kiddos so that I could run off and be a big sister.
Josh and Tyler were discharged on Monday evening. They have gotten their appetites back and hopefully will continue growing on a steady basis.
Tyler sleeping with me

Josh not wanting to sleep

When the boys started feeling better, it was hard to keep them busy/occupied.
Trying to keep busy